
大学英語教育学会 北海道支部 ESP研究会
会  員


Alderson and Beretta (1992) Evaluating Second Language Education, Cambridge University Press.
Bell (1987) Doing Your Research Project, Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Celani et al. (1988) The Brazilian ESP Project: and Evaluation, Sao Paulo: Editoria de PUC-SP.
Benesch (1996) “Needs Analysis and Curriculum Development in EAP: An Example of a Critical Approach,” TESOL Quarterly vol. 30, No.4, 723-738.
Berwick (1989) “Needs assessment in language programming: From theory to practice,” in Johnson, ed., The Second Language Curriculum, Cambridge University Press.
Brindley (1984) Needs Analysis and Objective Setting in the Adult Migrant Education Program, Adult Migrant Education Program.
Brindley (1989) “The role of needs analysis in adult ESL program design, ” in Johnson, ed., The Second Language Curriculum, Cambridge University Press.
Brown (1995) Elements of Language Curriculum: A systematic Approach to Program Development, Heinle & Heinle.
Cohen and Mannion (1980) Research Methods in Education, Crrom Helm.
Dudley-Evans and St John (1998) Developments in English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge University Press.
Graves (1996) Teachers as Course Developers, Cambridge Language Education.
Graves (2000) Designing Language Courses, Heinle & Heinle.
Holliday (1995) “Assessing language needs within an institutional context: an ethnographic approach,” English for Specific Purposes, 14:115-126.
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge University Press.
Mackay (1978) "Identifying the Nature of the Learner's Needs," in Mackay and Mountford (eds.), English for Specific Purposes, Longman.
Munby (1978) Communicative Syllabus Design, Cambridge University Press.
Nunan (1998) Syllabus Design, Oxford University Press.
Nunan (1988) The Learner-Centered Curriculum, Cambridge University Press.
Nunan and Lamb (1996) The self-directed teacher: managing the learning process, Cambridge University Press.
Rea-Dickins and Lwaitama (1995) “Evaluation for Development in English Language Teaching,” Review of English Language Teaching Vol. 3, London.
Richterich and Chancerel (1980) Identifying the Needs of Adults Learning a Foreign Language, Pergamon.
Tarone and Yule (1989) Focus on the Language Learner, Oxford University Press.
Tull and Hawkins (1976) Marketing Research: Meaning, Measurement and Method, Macmillan.
Uvin (1996) “Designing workplace ESOL courses for Chinese health –care workers at a Boston nursing home,” in Graves (ed.), Teachers as Course Developers, Cambridge Language Education.
West (1994) Needs analysis in teaching. Language Teaching, 27;1-19.